申し込みはこちら→https://428lab.connpass.com/event/348236/?utm_campaign=event_publish_to_series_watcher&utm_source=notifications&utm_medium=email&utm_content=detail_btn ついに約束の地、名城公園へ... ...
The Quick Start Guide has a step-by-step guide to getting started!
申し込みはこちら→https://428lab.connpass.com/event/348236/?utm_campaign=event_publish_to_series_watcher&utm_source=notifications&utm_medium=email&utm_content=detail_btn ついに約束の地、名城公園へ... ...
Nexus 6 holds in-person parties the 3rd Friday of every month downstairs at Subterranean in Wicker Park (right by the Damen blue line)! DJs Licious, Flesh_Bot, and Sprite/Anarchotech mix the best in ...
For years, social media has been dominated by a handful of companies, shaping how information flows and limiting innovation. The dangers have never been clearer. But a new paradigm is emerging—one ...
28. juni er det Prideparade i Oslo. Det er også den dagen vi gifter oss. Dette du leser nå er et "event" jeg har laget i SmokeSignal, mest som en test. Men 28. juni er det parade og bryllup, to helt ...
Open protocols, not closed platforms. The Fediverse, Mastodon and ActivityPub. Bluesky and AtProto. Human connections, not AI bots, nor fake news nor manipulative algorithms. New funding models. New ...