Open Frames is an extension of Open Graph that makes link previews interactive. Open Graph is widely used by websites to add extra meta data, and by ...
Open Frames is an extension of Open Graph that makes link previews interactive. Open Graph is widely used by websites to add extra meta data, and by ...
Tech Talk - Rudy Fraser on implementing AT Protocol in Rust for Blacksky Join us to hear from Rudy Fraser * blog * github ...
We'll have a handful of people that have built projects in and around ATProtocol describing what they've built, as well as demos and screenshares. Q&A and discussion from everyone welcome. We ...
Ændra Rininsland is joining us to talk about her work on Bluesky and AT Protocol, including running Bluesky's largest News feed and implementing the XBlock Screenshot Labeler. We'll have time for ...
Gonna be building (and hopefully finishing) OAuth on Stream link:
When the "Organizer Only" filter is applied, events listed under the Today, Upcoming, and History tabs will only list events that created.
This can be used with calendar applications, like Google Calendar, to subscribe to all of the events that has created.
AT-URI at://did:plc:2xau7wbgdq4phuou2ypwuen7
This is the AT-URI for