A Tech Talk about Long form blogging with WhiteWind, with developer K-NKSM. A third party app view and lexicon defining Markdown blogging for AT Protocol. The discussion will be held in a mix of ...
A Tech Talk about Long form blogging with WhiteWind, with developer K-NKSM. A third party app view and lexicon defining Markdown blogging for AT Protocol. The discussion will be held in a mix of ...
AMA thread is here https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueskySocial/comments/1gyfram/hi_were_members_of_the_bluesky_team_ama/ Via Emily https://bsky.app/profile/emilyliu.me/post/3lbnvidwqdc2l > this monday ...
going to kubecon in SLC this year? let’s have a meetup and talk about clouds and stuff. details tbd
We'll have a handful of people that have built projects in and around ATProtocol describing what they've built, as well as demos and screenshares. Q&A and discussion from everyone welcome. We ...
Catch up with long time neighbors and meet new ones as we turn out to choose our local, state and national leaders
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