
Bryllup og pride
In Person
June 28 • 8am - 10pm CEST @thomasrost.no 1 Going 0 Interested 0 Not Going

28. juni er det Prideparade i Oslo. Det er også den dagen vi gifter oss. Dette du leser nå er et "event" jeg har laget i SmokeSignal, mest som en test. Men 28. juni er det parade og bryllup, to helt ...

Tips and Links

Remove Filter: Organizer Only

When the "Organizer Only" filter is applied, events listed under the Today, Upcoming, and History tabs will only list events that @thomasrost.no created.

Calendar https://smokesignal.events/did:plc:adsft4dteyje4bkukia3rxw6/ics

This can be used with calendar applications, like Google Calendar, to subscribe to all of the events that @thomasrost.no has created.

AT-URI at://did:plc:adsft4dteyje4bkukia3rxw6

This is the AT-URI for @thomasrost.no.