RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. While our target audience is experienced ...
RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. While our target audience is experienced ...
RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. While our target audience is experienced ...
PLEASE NOTE: The December 2024 meetup deviates from our normal "last Tuesday" schedule, to avoid falling on New Years Eve. It is taking place a day before on Monday December 30th, at the usual time ...
RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. While our target audience is experienced ...
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