
ATmosphere Conference
March 22 • 9am - 6pm PDT @atprotocol.dev 37 Going 32 Interested 0 Not Going

The ATmosphere is what we call the wider network of AT Protocol based data, with many of the early builders including Frontpage Links, Smoke Signal Events, and Blacksky Community highlighted in tech ...

Tips and Links

Add Filter: Organizer Only

When the "Organizer Only" filter is applied, events listed under the Today, Upcoming, and History tabs will only list events that @youronly.one created.

Calendar https://smokesignal.events/did:plc:bpotnohnlgcj3fbmp7ugx4en/ics

This can be used with calendar applications, like Google Calendar, to subscribe to all of the events that @youronly.one has created.

AT-URI at://did:plc:bpotnohnlgcj3fbmp7ugx4en

This is the AT-URI for @youronly.one.