Drew McArthur is building PMsky, a tool for peer moderation on Bluesky, where users can participate in voting on labels that have been applied to posts and users. Moderation usually is done by ...
Drew McArthur is building PMsky, a tool for peer moderation on Bluesky, where users can participate in voting on labels that have been applied to posts and users. Moderation usually is done by ...
Tech Talk - Rudy Fraser on implementing AT Protocol in Rust for Blacksky Join us to hear from Rudy Fraser * blog https://blog.rudyfraser.com/ * github https://github.com/blacksky-algorithms ...
Smoke Signal is an Events & RSVP system built on top of ATProtocol https://smokesignal.events/ Developer Nick Gerakines https://bsky.app/profile/ngerakines.me has an extensive background in ...
Frontpage is a link aggregator built on top of the ATProtocol https://frontpage.fyi/ Tom Sherman https://bsky.app/profile/tom-sherman.com will present on building Frontpage, making a Lexicon for ...
When the "Organizer Only" filter is applied, events listed under the Today, Upcoming, and History tabs will only list events that @drewmca.dev created.
Calendar https://smokesignal.events/did:plc:s7xw6pqvc72ha73bogjqp4m3/ics
This can be used with calendar applications, like Google Calendar, to subscribe to all of the events that @drewmca.dev has created.
AT-URI at://did:plc:s7xw6pqvc72ha73bogjqp4m3
This is the AT-URI for @drewmca.dev.