
DWeb Seattle Social
In Person
November 19, 2024 • 6pm - 9pm PST @chadkoh.com 3 Going 2 Interested 0 Not Going

Come out to meet fellow DWebbers, not only from Seattle but also from Vancouver, BC as we work towards building a wider DWeb community in Cascadia. ​We will be meeting at the lovely offices of INTD ...

Tips and Links

Add Filter: Organizer Only

When the "Organizer Only" filter is applied, events listed under the Today, Upcoming, and History tabs will only list events that @chadkoh.com created.

Calendar https://smokesignal.events/did:plc:tgfzv5irks5acnmk75j4elky/ics

This can be used with calendar applications, like Google Calendar, to subscribe to all of the events that @chadkoh.com has created.

AT-URI at://did:plc:tgfzv5irks5acnmk75j4elky

This is the AT-URI for @chadkoh.com.