A Tech Talk about Long form blogging with WhiteWind, with developer K-NKSM. A third party app view and lexicon defining Markdown blogging for AT Protocol. The discussion will be held in a mix of ...
A Tech Talk about Long form blogging with WhiteWind, with developer K-NKSM. A third party app view and lexicon defining Markdown blogging for AT Protocol. The discussion will be held in a mix of ...
Through a series of prudent decisions -- and aided by a series of equally reckless ones from its erstwhile rival -- Bluesky has emerged as the dominant social platform. This emergence has meant coping ...
An informal Dev (and Design!) Discussion about how we might brand and design a "Login with ATmosphere" call to action, rather than "Login with Bluesky". There is a Github discussion thread ...
Open Frames https://www.openframes.xyz/ is an extension of Open Graph that makes link previews interactive. Open Graph https://ogp.me/ is widely used by websites to add extra meta data, and by ...
When the "Organizer Only" filter is applied, events listed under the Today, Upcoming, and History tabs will only list events that @tauheed-elahee.com created.
Calendar https://smokesignal.events/did:plc:yono5h26syghwsd6beawciwh/ics
This can be used with calendar applications, like Google Calendar, to subscribe to all of the events that @tauheed-elahee.com has created.
AT-URI at://did:plc:yono5h26syghwsd6beawciwh
This is the AT-URI for @tauheed-elahee.com.